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[IPS Marketplace] Club Enhancements: Menus

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As IPS's implementation of forums and other features within clubs doesn't allow for nesting, I had this app developed by CodingJungle to visually mimic such behavior.

This app will provide a drag-and-drop interface that allows you to create complex club menus.

Could contain: File, Menu, Text, Webpage

The underlined menu items are "Labels" and are not "clickable".  Their purpose is to allow the categorization of content.  You can also create "Pages" which are "clickable" that you can drag features underneath.  Pages would be ideal if you want to provide information to the user about that particular category.  

You add all of the features you want to include in your menu via the "Add Club Feature" below.  Once you have added the features you want you click on "Manage Menus" where you can drag and drop to your heart's content.  

Could contain: Text, Page, Menu, Plot

Upon clicking on the "Manage Menus" option the following screen pops up:

Could contain: Text, Page, Number, Symbol, Menu

If you want to create a nested menu, click on the "Add Parent Group" button.  Click on the "Pencil" Icon to rename the Parent Group to whatever you want. You can click on the "+" sign to create a "Label". Rename the "Label" to whatever category you want, repeat as necessary. You can drag "Features" into the new Parent Group in whatever order you desire.  You can place them within a "Label" or "Page" or by themselves. For orphaned "Parent Groups" you can go ahead and click on the "X" to delete them. If you don't, they won't show up in the menu if there are no "Labels" or "Features" within.

You can also reorder "Parent Groups", so they show up in the menu in any order you desire. 

It takes a moment for the program to write changes in the background so it's best not to rush your mouse movements. 

This app will afford you an opportunity to try out a multitude of different use cases you may have never thought clubs could be used for. If you have a less than robust server and lots of people using clubs, please limit the complexity of your menus. I would recommend a measured approach.  Add a few new features to a club and observe how it impacts your server.  If it seems to handle things well add a few more new features to a club and observe how it impacts your server. You should readily determine when you're about to reach your server's limit, when that happens back off from adding any new features to your club menus.  I would recommend "Quality" over "Quantity" when it comes to utilizing this app to its fullest.  

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