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Windows 7 To Ship Without A Web Browser In The EU

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the monopoly subject is very touchy subject now since windows 7 will not have a web browser in any version sold in the EU because of the EU commission and it's idiotic uneven enforcement of the law, I mean seriously forget the past with microsoft that was then and they was punished for what they did but to use the past as an excuse to treat a company unfairly now is total BS.


but the EUC says that microsoft cannot distribute an operating system with their own browser bundled with it unless they also bundle other software suppliers browsers with it as well (thanks to complaint's by mainly opera, google and others) because it gives them an unfair advantage over other browser makers.

(WTF are they talking about it's free software, I could understand if they was talking about software that costs $ but free software?)


but this rule only applies to microsoft because they are number one in the O.S. market unlike Mac, Linux and any other odd ball O.S. who are free to bundle their own browser because they aren't.


so in answer to this Microsoft has announced that they are going to just sell windows 7 without a browser in the EU because they refuse to include their competitors software with there new O.S., which to me is totally understandable (you will still be able to download IE using the built in windows update as an optional update).




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Yeah, I have read something about that some days ago.


My main question is "How can peoples download a browser or anything internet related since there is no browser included when Windows 7 is a fresh install?" :unsure:

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well there's a way if they happen to know the browser they wants ftp addy to use windows built in ftp app , or they can use windows update to DL IE then use that to DL the browser they want or DL it before formatting and saving it to a cd, flash drive, separate partition or HHD. but other than that who knows lol



personally I think this was a smart move on MS's part since it will prevent the EUC from leveling another billion dollars in fines total, like before since they refuse include their competitors software which is their right no matter what the EUC says!!!!!


STRESS = The Confusion Created When One's Mind Over-rides The Body's

Basic Desire To Choke The Hell Out Of Someone Who Desperatly Deserves It


yes thats right. In Europe win7 will called Windows 7 (E) and the is no browser on it. But downloading via built in windows update is new for me. All big magazins in Germany say you need to download an browser before from a differt system.

Or i thing you can download it via command line like wget.

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Bowing to European competition rules, Microsoft Windows 7 will ship without Internet Explorer.


The company said it would make it easy for PC makers and users to get at and install the web browsing program.


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