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[Marketplace] Wolf Theme

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The Wolf theme theme is a manifestation of creativity and innovation. This template effortlessly fulfills all the requirements of a forum, and you can easily customize all its sections without the need for any expertise. I can confidently say that this theme is the first and last one you will ever need to purchase.

Could contain: Green, Logo, LightCould contain: Logo, Food, Fruit, Plant, ProduceCould contain: Green, Logo, ScoreboardCould contain: Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, City, Scoreboard

let's go for a brief introduction of the theme!


Could contain: Computer Hardware, Electronics, Monitor, Screen, Computer, Pc, Adult, Male, Man, Person


Four UI Author panel Design Styles for Every Taste! Four Unique User Interface Design Styles to Suit Every Preference

Could contain: Blackboard

private categories:

Could contain: White Board, Text, Electronics, Computer, Pc, Computer Hardware, Computer Keyboard, Hardware, Monitor, Screen

Private forums:

Could contain: Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Computer, Computer Keyboard, Monitor, Screen, Text, Scoreboard

full customizable slider:

Could contain: Adult, Male, Man, Person, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Monitor, Screen, Computer, Pc

toggle to show/hide widgets like categories:

Could contain: Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, Mobile Phone, Phone, Stereo

topic rows with useful options:

  • attachments
  • ratings
  • reactions
  • solver user
  • starter user

Could contain: Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware, Stereo, Computer, Pc, Scoreboard

User menu Customization:

Could contain: Electronics, Stereo, Blackboard, Text

build-in copy to clipboard:

Could contain: Electronics, Stereo, Computer Hardware, Hardware

custom backgrounds:

Could contain: Computer Hardware, Monitor, Screen, Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Text, Coat, File

Editor message:

Could contain: Computer, Computer Hardware, Computer Keyboard, Electronics, Hardware, Scoreboard, Monitor, Screen, Text, Pc

quick buttons:

Could contain: Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Blackboard, Computer

mega footer:

Could contain: File, Computer, Electronics, Pc, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Monitor, Screen

customize highlighted reply color:

Could contain: Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone, Computer, Scoreboard

more features on hovercard:

Could contain: Advertisement, Text

manage your forums:

Could contain: Electronics, Stereo, Blackboard, Cd Player

post controllers:

Could contain: Computer, Electronics, Pc, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Computer Keyboard, Scoreboard, Monitor, Screen, Laptop

custom navigation:

Could contain: Blackboard, Sphere, File


Could contain: Text, Paper

Demo info:
user: demo@demo.com
pass: demo




Could contain: Adult, Male, Man, Person, Firearm, Sunglasses, Glove, Face, Text, Rifle

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