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Users age in posts.

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I was wondering if you could release a mod for IPS 4.7.11 that lets members choose if their age shows up in the user area of their posts. It would be cool if members could pick to show their exact age or round it up to an age range like 20-25. Some people might not want to show their exact age, you know? And it would be great if members could turn this feature on or off whenever they want.

I think this mod would be really useful for people who care about their privacy but still want to share a little bit about themselves with the community.

Thanks for considering this!

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3 hours ago, Joey-M said:

Hey, that's fair enough. Do you have any pending releases?

Yeah, I have a lot of things I'm working on. I just need a day to last 72+ hours in order to get everything done. 😋

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