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    Last update Monday at 04:09 PM


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  1. The MYSQL data should be okay now. The last steps are transferring all the data to the new HDDs and double-checking everything works after the HDD copy/swap. I'll post another update as soon as that's done.
  2. I finally received the new parts today, and it took until now to get everything working. While almost everything works, I still have trouble accessing the MySQL database data. The server crash seems to have corrupted something. I'm still working on that.
  3. Oh, I see the problem. The error is showing because 4.7 doesn't support use statements. Since I've been testing v5, I've started using shortcuts in my latest code: public static function modifyForm( Form &$form, $service ) The framework's default function instead uses: public static function modifyForm( \IPS\Helpers\Form &$form, $service ) @BrianCorrell You can ignore that warning, as it's not really an error but a detection issue caused by a bug in the tool. As soon as my server is fixed I'll release a new version to address the warning. The application will work without problems, though.
  4. Since it broke down anyway, I'm taking the chance for a small upgrade so it's easier to work with in the future.
  5. A few hours ago my development server suddenly shut off and refused to restart. It seems the problem is the motherboard. I tried everything I could think of to try and "revive" it, but nothing worked in the end. I've given up trying to repair it and I have already ordered a replacement, but it will be 2-3 days before I receive it. I will provide an update on the situation as soon as possible. Apologies for the delay.
  6. The new built-in option is available from 4.7.16+.
  7. Application updated to version 1.0.2: Replaced the deprecated Google API with the new built-in Invision Community solution. Fixed uninstallation process not deleting the QR Code share service.
  8. I'll look into that. It seems the uninstall code is not removing the entry properly. Also, IPS added a new library to generate the QR code, so I'll switch the application to use that.
  9. I see you opened a ticket. I'll reply there shortly.
  10. Oh, I see. I mean, adding user group support is possible, but it would require rewriting the whole modification from scratch because right now it's coded to check a single setting. It's not a popular modification, so rewriting it for v4 at this time is kind of useless. I can consider it when I update the code for v5.
  11. A solution would be to make those subforums visible only to specific secondary groups and allow members to choose their secondary groups from a predefined list on their Account Settings page. I believe Adriano (?) has a modification that allows members to choose their secondary groups. I know a client used a similar setup to show/hide some political-related forums in the past. If the members choose to view them, they could add the Politics secondary group, otherwise they could keep going as usual without ever seeing info from those forums.
  12. They detected the site as crowdfunding because I had the Donations and Gift Cards areas enabled. It made me even more confused since their own site allows creating donation links. The more you know...
  13. Unfortunately, the Gift Cards option goes against Stripe's policy and I've had to disable it to keep my account there active.
  14. The automatic review process kept failing, but after going back and forth a few more times by email with their support, I'm happy to report that everything was resolved. (At least for now. )
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